We treat acute and chronic back pain

Back inflamed with painWhether you have a short-term injury or condition, or suffer from long-term chronic back pain – St Kilda Osteopathy may be able to help you. 

Our team of Melbourne osteopaths are experienced in treating all types of back pain. We work with every patient in an individual way to ensure your diagnosis, treatment and management for short-term pain relief and long term prevention strategies are tailored to your injury and/or condition, your body and lifestyle. 

Together we address any kind of back pain including:

The best way to treat back pain is to have tools at your disposal to treat, manage and reduce it. We will
offer tips for simple lifestyle changes to treat, manage and reduce recurring pain.

Pilates and "core strength" training may also be an integral part of management for your chronic back pain -
Ask us about a tailored program for you and your back and posture, ergonomic assessment or rehabilitation program!

We are open Monday to Saturday.
Early and late appointments available

If you are looking for an Osteopathic Clinic in Melbourne or South East Melbourne, contact us now on 03 9593 6333 or email info@stkildaosteopathy.com to book
an appointment or if you have any further queries.Or book online at https://stkildaosteopathy.cliniko.com/bookings#service