Looking for an OSteopath in Elwood?

Elwood Osteopathy - St Kilda Osteopathy

Osteopathy as a medical practice is gaining massive popularity all around the world. It is one of the most effective methods of combatting common pain and musculoskeletal problems. From pulled muscles, to arthritis; back pain to shoulder pain; pinched nerves to sciatica; repetitive strain injury to headaches and digestive issues; posture problems to pregnancy related pain and sleep cycle trouble; osteopathy helps heal a wide range of stressful medical conditions with suitable treatment focusing on muscles, tissues and bones.

Elwood is a bustling inner suburb of Melbourne located 3.5 kilometres from our Melbourne Osteopathic Clinic at St. Kilda.

Due to an increasing demand for osteopathic treatment, our St Kilda clinic see many patients from Elwood.

Osteopath Elwood

If you have pain and issues that demand an immediate fix, book an appointment with us. With over 60 years of combined hands-on experience, you can count on our Melbourne Osteopaths to provide comprehensive pain relief.

We treat patients from all age groups for musculoskeletal complaints as well as pain management, and help facilitate proper rehabilitation from serious injuries. Our treatment procedure is specifically tailored for your medical history, body type, gender, and age.

Our experienced Melbourne osteopath team believe in an elemental ‘hands-on’ evidence-based approach towards diagnosis and treatment.

Our treatment techniques include:

  • Muscle Energy Techniques
  • Articulation and mobilisation of muscle and joints
  • Dry Needling (Trigger Point Dry Needling)
  • Manipulation
  • Myofascial Release of Connective Tissue
  • Soft Tissue Massage
  • Stretching of muscles and joints
  • Visceral manipulation of the organs of the abdomen and pelvic regions
  • Osteopathy in the Cranial Field

At St Kilda Osteopathic Clinic, we believe in listening to the details of your pain so we may better understand your problems and what you expect from the treatment. This tailored approach assists in providing the right kind of advice, diagnosis, and treatment that is suitable to your specific needs.

We’re proud to get repeat referrals from patients, GPs, Sports Physicians, Rheumatologists, Dentists, Podiatrists, Myotherapists and Remedial Massage Therapists, Personal Trainers, Exercise Physiologists, Physiotherapists, Naturopaths, Maternal Health Nurses, mother's groups and sports clubs. Their faith in our service is a testament to our exclusive approach in handling body health, rehabilitation, and general wellness.

If you are looking for an osteopath in Elwood call us or book an appointment with us today!