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Category: General Information

What to Expect at your First Osteopathy Treatment

What to Expect at your First Osteopathy Treatment

Many patients who come to see us at St Kilda Osteopathy have been referred to us by other patients of the clinic, their GP, allied health practitioner, personal trainer, and yes, even Google! We are an established, professional, and of course caring team of Osteopaths in Melbourne who work to give you the best outcome […]

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Tips for travelling with Chronic Pain

Tips for travelling with Chronic Pain

As Osteopaths, we see patients daily who suffer with chronic pain from all sorts of conditions and injury affecting different body areas. Chronic pain is classified as pain which has been present for over 3 months. When chronic pain is present, usually the initial injury which caused the pain in the first place has healed. […]

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Core strength exercises and back pain

Core Strength Exercises and Back Pain

With 85% of the population having experienced back pain at some point in their lives, there comes many questions and approaches on how to best manage the pain and the root problem causing the pain. The cost of chronic back pain to society is billions of dollars, so having the most comprehensive and evidence based […]

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Should I Stretch?

Should I Stretch?

A common question we get asked as Osteopaths is should I be stretching? If so, how often should I stretch? How long should I hold a stretch? What kind of stretching is most effective? The list of questions goes on. The truth is, the answer changes from case to case and injury to injury. So […]

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Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment

OMT – Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment

OMT… What is it? So you have heard about OMT, or Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment?  Or also known as Osteopathy, Osteopathic Treatment, or just “Osteo”. Do you know what it actually is? You know your friend has seen an Osteo and has fantastic results, but you don’t really know what it’s all about. You have seen […]

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Relieving Arthritis Pain with Osteopathy

Arthritis is a painful and common problem that affects both men and women of all ages. There are many different types of arthritis, with the most commonly heard of and diagnosed being “Osteoarthritis” and “Rheumatoid Arthritis”. A diagnosis of arthritis can come from your GP or specialist and be confirmed by special tests such as […]

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